Timetables (schedules) of all municipally run or commissioned transit services (buses, subway, rail tram etc). Locations of stops would also be good (as geodata) but is not required to answer this question affirmatively.
Data Location
Timetables for Bus, Subway, Trams. The official sevilla.org website links to the timetables in the respective websites for the municipal public bodies in charge of Bus, Subway and Trams. The information is enclosed in HTML / PDF formats, non-bulk downloadable and the license is copyright-like.
Subway: Timetables: https://www.metro-sevilla.es/es/horario License: https://www.metro-sevilla.es/es/aviso-legal-y-politica-privacidad
Bus (urban): Timetable: https://www.tussam.es/index.php?id=32 License: https://www.tussam.es/index.php?id=51
Bus (coach): Timetable: https://siu.ctas.ctan.es/es/lineas.php License: not found
Trams: Timetable (not found): https://www.tussam.es/index.php?id=164 License: https://www.tussam.es/index.php?id=51
Data Availability
- Yes
- No
- Unsure
- No data
Date the data became available | Unknown |
Format of data | HTML |
Reviewer | José Félix Ontañón |
Submitters | José Félix Ontañón |
Last modified | Sun Oct 26 2014 17:54:15 GMT+0000 (UTC) |